Snow and More Snow

Never in my life have I EVER seen so much snow! It started snowing Wednesday night this week and finally stopped on Thursday evening. We first accumulated sleet, then ice, and to top it off, a foot and a half of snow! Our cars were stuck and the entire city of Amarillo shut down. We really enjoyed spending two days snowed in, but when the wind died down and the sun came out, the Liggin's braved the outside. Ian did not enjoy the thick snow in our was too hard to walk in and the sidewalks were still covered in ice. Needless to say, we didn't manage being out for long, but we snapped a few pics and warmed up with a nice cup of joe.


  1. Fun show pics! I wouldn't know what to do in all that snow!

  2. Wow! You all are turning into true westerners!! I can't imagine that much snow in my yard! Are you laughing yet remembering back to us good ol' Alabamians who shut down their towns for an extremely light dusting of snow? Ha!! Just give Ian a couple of years & he'll be all about it! Love & miss you!

  3. I love these pictures!! So cute :) He is getting so big.
