Ian's eleventh month

It's hard to imagine that our precious bundle of joy is almost a year old. But here it is, his eleventh month. He walks like a pro and rarely falls...until the game of "chase" begins. He gets so excited and energetic that he often loses his balance and bites the dust face first. No worries though...he's up and running within seconds. "Dada and mama" are spoken randomly throughout the day, along with other sweet sounds that we love to hear. Ian plays hard with toys that make music and loves to read, especially books about "Spot." He's learning to drink from a sippy cup, but still prefers his bottle over everything, including table food. Spaghetti has emerged as his favorite meal, but I've recently learned that any food covered in marinara sauce will do the trick. He's turning into a little boy...a happy, healthy, excited, loving little boy who has changed the way we see the world. The Lord picked Ian to change our lives and that he did.

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