Ian at 18 Months

Eighteen months have passed since Ian arrived in our world and I'm still taken back by how much my love for him grows day by day. He's shaping into a little boy, leaving behind the "baby-ness" that we've known for so long. His emerging personality is seen everywhere. He's strong-willed, has his own ideas of how things should be, has particular ways of doing things and wants them done the same way each time. He associates well and seems to remember when two things are connected. He's a people person, waving and saying "hi" at most anyone he sees. He thinks every man who's bald with a white go-tee is "Papaw." He loves to read, especially his Bible stories and has learned to say "Jesus" in his own special way. His vocabulary consists of momma, dada, hi, bye, night night, juice, car (anything with wheels is considered to be a car), Jesus, Bible, dog, lamb (which is his blanket and best friend), baba (meaning pacifier, his second best friend), and papaw. He makes attempts at other words and will usually emulate the influx in our voice, but those words are the ones we actually understand. He's definitely a chatter-box, making sounds and talking to his toys throughout the day or when lying in his crib. He watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every morning while drinking his milk and eating breakfast and laughs outloud at Goofy during each episode. Music is still a huge part of his life...from listening to Christian rap in the car with his dad to watching his favorite video of scripture set to music (thanks Steve Green for your cheesy but inspiring tunes for our son). His favorite food is still spaghetti but broccoli casserole now runs a close second. He loves cars of all kinds and rides his four-wheeler constantly throughout the day. He spends his evenings after bathtime lying on the couch with his dad, milk, and lamb, but occasionally wants Mom to rock for just a moment before going to sleep. He loves playing with others and joins right in during Bible class and the one day a week he spends at Paramount Baptist Church for Mother's Day Out. He couldn't get enough of the pool this summer and showed no fear as he ran through the kiddie pool and splash pad. I, on the other hand, wished for some apprehension near the water. He was just independent enough to be dangerous! We spend most of our days outside, walking through our neighborhood, and playing on his swing and slide in our backyard. He's outgrown strolling for the most part and would rather do the pushing than the riding. He's a fantastic traveler (typically) which bodes well for our "on the go" lifestyle. At eighteen months, he's already spent the night in Alabama, Georgia, Missippi, Florida, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. Thank you Ian for giving us the most amazing eighteen months. It's a joy watching you grow up...

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