Is Ian already a Toddler?

Ian and Daddy both trying out the new mat

I took Ian to Mother's Day Out last week only to find that he had been moved to a new class for young toddlers. I was completely unprepared for the transition and didn't have anything ready. His new teachers said that he needed a napmat and could use an extra one for the first day. My thought...NAPMAT?! There's no way Ian will sleep on a napmat! I was concerned about his adjustment the entire six hours and felt so sorry for him that I bought a DVD and new puzzle for a happy day surprise. Well, the surprise was on me! When I picked him up, he was sitting in a circle with his classmates listening to a story and the first thing his teacher said was "Ian slept over an hour on the napmat." I am completely impressed with you little man...You adjust to new environments so well, much better than I do. You take to new people with ease and seem to offer grace to those who are seeking your attention. You enjoy playtime no matter where you are or who you're with and are a wonderful rule follower. Thank you for having such patience with your mom as I watch you take on new challenges and face new seasons of your life. It's a joy watching you grow up...


  1. Alison! I love this post! He seems like an awesome kid already and I can just feel how proud you are of him. With good reason. I am soooo excited to spend some time with you guys soon and this wonderful little person. He is still small enough to be it he munchkin club!
