Merry Christmas Ian!

Despite the look on Ian's face, he really did enjoy Christmas!

What a Christmas we had! We spent our first Christmas Eve as a family eating delicious food, drinking hot chocolate, watching The Christmas Story, worshipping our Lord during the candle light service, and simply enjoying the blessing of being together. We awoke Christmas morning with snow still on the ground and were overjoyed to see the sheepish grin across Ian's face as he looked at his new toys. He was cautious as usual when presented with something new, but showed so much excitement each time a present was unwrapped. He played for hours Christmas morning and cried with a heart-wrenching cry when we took him out of his new car for a nap. He loved his musical table, his new talking puppy named "Scout," and Noah's Ark as well. We couldn't have asked for a more wonderful Christmas and thank God for the gift of His Son.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how fun! He looks so, so sweet looking at his new toys. I'm having flashbacks to Daniel's first Christmas.......he got the leapfrog music table & fisher price teeball set too- just what every boy needs! Love all of the pics! Ian eyes are just gorgeous!!
